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A CONTINUACIÓN ENCONTRARÁS  las actividades que deberás desarrollar y presentar en el tercer encuentro de nivelación de inglés. RECUERDA QUE LOS EJERCICIOS DEBEN SER IMPRESOS Y RESUELTOS PARA SER ENTREGADOS AL INICIAR EL ENCUENTRO.


1. Revisa la teoría para familiarizarte con los adjetivos:


What is an adjective?

Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. Words like small, blue, and sharp are descriptive, and they are all examples of adjectives. Because adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and unique things, they are usually positioned before the noun or pronoun that they modify. Some sentences contain multiple adjectives.

2. Desarrolla los siguientes ejercicios para complementar la teoría:



NAME: ________________________   COURSE: _____   DATE: _______________

Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives (as ... as)

Fill in the comparison with as ... as.
  1. John is (tall)  Glen.
  2. Janet is (beautiful)  Jeniffer.
  3. You are (crazy)  my sister.
  4. We can run (fast)  they can.
  5. My mom is (not / strict)  your mum.
  6. Your mobile phone is (not / trendy)  mine.
  7. Matrix II was (not / interesting)  Matrix I.
  8. This yoghurt (not / taste / good)  the one I bought yesterday.
  9. I can do (many / press-ups)  you.
  10. (not / earn / much / money)  you do.
Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
  1. My house is (big)  than yours.
  2. This flower is (beautiful)  than that one.
  3. This is the (interesting)  book I have ever read.
  4. Non-smokers usually live (long)  than smokers.
  5. Which is the (dangerous)  animal in the world?
  6. A holiday by the sea is (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.
  7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.
  8. Who is the (rich)  woman on earth?
  9. The weather this summer is even (bad)  than last summer.
  10. He was the (clever)  thief of all.

Grammar Exercise on the Text

London lies on the river Thames and is the capital of the United Kingdom. With about 7 million inhabitants, it is one of the largest cities in the world.
Tower Bridge

Lots of tourists visit London every year. There are plenty of museums, theatres and interesting sights, for example the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament with their clock tower, Big Ben.
Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Positive, Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives

With the positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives you can express that something is for example as good as something else (positive form), better (comparative form) or best (superlative form). 
Fill in the correct form of the following adjectives.
  1. London is the (large)  city in Great Britain.
  2. No other British city has as (many)  inhabitants as London.
  3. The London underground, the tube, is the (old)  underground in the world.
  4. The Tower of London is one of the (famous)  London sights.
  5. Another sight is the London Eye. With its 135 metres, it is (tall)  than any other big wheel in the world.

Imagen relacionadaGrammar Exercise on the Text

Comparison of Adjectives

Adjectives are compared with -er/-est or with more/most. But there are also some irregular forms. For further information, check out our grammar section: → Comparison of Adjectives
Put the adjectives into the correct form.
  1. Los Angeles is (large)  than Chicago.
  2. But New York is the (large)  city of the United States.
  3. The weather in Hollywood is (good)  than in New York or New Jersey.
  4. Nestor Studios is the (old)  movie company in Hollywood.
  5. Disneyland is (interesting)  than any other amusement park.

1. Revisa la teoría para familiarizarte con el uso de las preposiciones.

What is a preposition?

A preposition shows a relationship between its object and other words in a sentence.


The red ball is on top of the cube.
The red ball is inside the box.
The book is on the desk

2. Desarrolla los ejercicios para mejorar el desempeño:
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given. 
 1. We are very excited __________________ our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER) 
2. I am very fond __________________ drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT) 
3. Almost all politicians were involved __________________ the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM) 
4. I am looking forward ______________ having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM) 
5. At the moment, she is recovering __________________ her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH) 
6. I’m dreaming ________________ becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO) 
7. My cousin is married __________________ a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM) 
8. I am responsible __________________ training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR) 
9. Many people took advantage __________________ the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR, WITH, TO) 
10.I was not quite satisfied __________________ the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT) 
11.The president was thankful __________________ everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH, FOR, AT) 
12.Everyone in this town will benefit __________________ the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT, INTO) 
13.For two full days, the man was fighting __________________ his life. (UP,WITH, AT, FOR) 
14.My dad shouted __________________ me because I didn’t do what he said (TO, AT, WITH, TOWARDS) 15.She insisted __________________ helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT) 
16.Almost all car companies care __________________ the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT,WITH) 
17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you ____________ being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT, FROM) 
18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided __________________ a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS) 
19.The customers came to the shop to complain _____________ their service (ABOUT, AT, ON, FOR) 
20.Our atmosphere consists __________________ oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH, FOR)
 21.We decided __________________ buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF) 
22.Many children depend __________________ their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO) 
23.He graduated __________________ Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH) 
24.The advertising campaign resulted __________________ hundreds of new customers for the company. (TO, FOR, UP, IN) 
25.As a scientist, I specialize __________________ marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH)
Fill in the correct prepositions

about – at – by - for – from – in – of – on – to - with

1. She learned Russian ____________ the age of 45.
2. The book was written ____________ Mark Twain.
3. I’ll show you the picture ____________ the palace.
4. We can only get to the camp ____________ foot.
5. He reminds me ____________ his old history teacher.
6. What are you talking ____________ ?
7. ____________ the end of next year we will have made over £ 100,000.
8. She always gets up early ____________ the morning and goes to bed late ____________ night.
9. I went to work ____________ Tuesday but I didn’t go ____________ Friday.
10. You’ll have to wait. He’ll be with you ____________ a minute.
11. Philip waited ____________ her at the movie theatre.
12. He started learning English ____________ 2005.
13. You have to pay ____________ the tickets on the day you order them.
14. We are very proud ____________ this company.
15. It’s very kind ____________ you to help us.
16. The old man suffered ____________ a heart attack.
17. Please write ____________ pencil.
18. It’s ____________ time you told him the truth.
19. The manager didn’t take part ____________ the discussion.
20. He‘s very good ____________ telling jokes.
21. I’ll see you ____________ the conference
22. We sat down ____________ the grass and ate our lunch.
23. My parents got married ____________ the 1970s.
24. There’s a good restaurant ____________ the end of the street.
25. We usually have turkey ____________ Thanksgiving.
26. I would like to travel ____________ Italy next summer.
27. I took a plane ____________ Munich to Rome.
28. I’d like to speak ____________ the manager please.
29. I don’t usually feel tired ____________ the morning.
30. My mother is abroad so my dad is taking care ____________ us ____________ the moment.
31. Sonja gets ____________ the seven o’clock bus in the morning.
32. She always looks ____________ herself in the mirror.
33. I met Donna ____________ a party ____________ Friday night.
34. My friend always borrows money ____________ me.
35. Daria’s books are lying ____________ the floor.
36. He arrived at the school building just ____________ time.
37. The audience threw tomatoes ____________ him.
38. Passengers are not allowed to use cell phones ____________ airplanes.
39. He is responsible ____________ what he does.
40. I’m sorry ____________ the job you didn’t get.
41. I’m very bad ____________ mathematics.
42. We had to climb slowly ____________ the hill.
43. He is always ____________ time.
44. How many people are ____________ your team?
45. A university is where you study ____________ a degree.
46. Her next birthday will be ____________ a Sunday.
47. The new factory is expected to go online ____________ May.
48. Many of us eat ____________ fork and spoon.
49. We have been searching ____________ a web designer for a few weeks now.
50. The TV is ____________ the corner of the room.

Exercise on Prepositions – A picture

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.
  1. Look  this painting.
  2.  the painting, you can see a little girl.
  3. So, it is a painting  a girl.
  4. A famous painter painted it. So it is a painting  a famous painter.
  5. My grandma once owned the painting, but she gave it to me on my birthday. So it is a picture  my grandma.


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