
Showing posts from July 30, 2017


Here you will find a description about the use of these modals. Read it, practice and....SEE YOU IN CLASS!! In general terms. We use can to say that something is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something. We use can + infinitive.  But can has only two forms, can (present) and could (past). So sometimes it is necessary to use (be) able to.. FUNCTIONS 1. Could is the past of can. We use could especially with: See/ hear/ smell/ taste/ feel/ remember/ understand.  EXAMPLES: • When we went into the house, we could smell burning. • She spoke in a very low voice, but I could understand what she said. 2. We also use could to say that somebody had the general ability or permission to do something: EXAMPLES: • My grandfather could speak five languages. • We were completely free. We could do what we wanted. (= we were allowed to do...) WARNING!!. We use could for general ability. But if we are talking about what happened in a particular situation, we use wa