
Showing posts from March 13, 2016


HEY GUYS!!!!!! If you failed or feel uncertain about the last quiz result. I offer the opportunity to correct it. So take it or leave it! The grade would be changed to 70 ONLY if the quiz is fully correct. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ENGLISH QUIZ 9TH GRADE – TEACHER MICKOLE GÓMEZ NAME: ________________________________ COURSE: 9TH ___ DATE:_________________ 1. I. Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect, or past continuous of the verbs in brackets. It 1. _____ (be) Tuesday evening and I 2. ______ (get) ready to go to bed when the phone 3. ______ (ring). To my surprise it 4. ______ (be) my friend Peter. He 5. ______ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed because he 6. ______ (lose) his keys and he 7. ______ (cannot) get into his flat. He 8. ______ (think) he 9. ______ (leave) them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so he 10. ______ (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before he