
Showing posts from September 18, 2016


open/reopen old wounds If you  open or reopen old wounds  you revive memories of an unpleasant event, situation or dispute that took place in the past. He carefully avoided the subject so as not to open old wounds. pour your heart out If you  pour your heart out  to someone, you express your feelings freely. When she needs to pour her heart out to someone, Elsa goes to visit her grandmother . proud as a peacock A person who is as  proud as a peacock  is extremely proud. When his son won first prize, Bill was as proud as a peacock. proud/pleased as punch Someone who is as  proud or pleased as punch  is delighted or feels very satisfied about something. Dad was as proud as punch when he won the tennis match. put foot in mouth If you  put your foot in your mouth,  you say something that offends, upsets or embarrasses someone. She really put her foot in her mouth when she mentioned the housewarming party - Andy hadn't been invited. reduce to tears If your behaviour or attitude ma


IF YOU FEEL sensible or sensitive.... be emotional and learn these idiomatic expressions that replace the emotion words. Feelings - Emotions - Reactions (idioms, page 1 : bare your heart  → deep down ) bare your heart (or soul) to someone If you  bare you heart  (or  soul ) to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them. Mike couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend. bear the brunt A person who  bears the brunt  of something is the one who suffers the most when something bad or unpleasant happens. When things go wrong, his assistant always has to bear the brunt of his anger. bent out of shape If you get  bent out of shape , you become annoyed or upset about something that is usually not that important or cannot be avoided. Don't get bent out of shape if you're delayed.  We'll wait for you. beside yourself (with emotion) If you are  beside yourself  (with an emotion), you lose your self-con


THIS IS THE TIME FOR........ Just take a look to the following videos to get to know more about bloopers. And much more!!!