In order to extend your knowledge about this topic that is just the incorporation of conjunctions to the already well-known structure of the future tense, I share this information, grabbed, as always, from the best websites to enlarge, reinforce and improve your skills.

We can join two sentences using a conjunction. A conjunction is a 'linking' word or phrase. A time conjunction gives us information about when two events happen, relative to each other.

Common time conjunctions are:
  • When
  • While
  • As soon as
  • Until
  • After
  • Before
  • During

Future with time expressions (after, as soon as, before, till, when, while ... )

The time clauses in the English language are introduced by conjunctions such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, while or time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc.
We do not use the future tense (will) in a time clause to describe future activities (in this respect, it is similar to if clauses).


I'll come back home and I'll do it. x I'll do it when I come back home. (when I come is the time clause)
You will push this button and the door will open. x As soon as you push this button the door will open.
Don't stand up. First I'll tell you. x Don't stand up till (until) I tell you.
You'll need my car. Take it. x Whenever you need my car you can take it.
You'll tidy up the house and I'll do the shopping. x You'll tidy up the house while I do the shopping.
You will drop the bomb and it will explode. x The moment you drop the bomb it will explode.

Similarly, other future forms also change to the present simple tense.

He is going to leave. The room will be empty. x As soon as he leaves the room will be empty.We are moving next week. Then we'll call you. x When we move next week we'll call you.

If we describe an action that is happening at the same time as another future action (the two activities are simultaneous), we use the present continuous tense in time clauses.We are going to cut the grass. You'll pick the apples. x While we are cutting the grass you'll pick the apples.

The future perfect simple and continuous become the present perfect simple and continuous.

I'll have finished my grammar exercises in ten minutes. Then I'll go out. x After I have finished my grammar exercises I'll go out.
They will have repaired our car by the weekend. And we will go for a trip. x As soon as they have repaired our car we will go for a trip.

Be careful!

If when introduces a noun clause which is the object of a verb, it is followed by a future tense.

EX. I don't know when she will arrive. I can't remember when the race will start. You must decide when you will meet them.In all these sentences the question is: What? not When? (I don't know what, I can't remember what, You must decide what.)

I'll be ready as soon as you  (be).

We'll stay here till she  (return).

Please, call us when you  (arrive).

I'm going to tell her before she  (leave).

I don't know when the party  (start).

He'll drive you there whenever you  (need).

The moment summer  here, the garden will be so beautiful! (be)

I am going to take the exam after I  all these books. (study)

He will wait for you until you  (be back)

Don't worry! I'll watch you while you  in the lake. (swim)

ack is seeing the doctor tomorrow. He will be all right.
Soon after Jack  .

We are going to get married. We will live in Bristol.
As soon as we  .

You'll be hungry. You can take anything from the fridge.
Whenever you  .

I'm going to change my job. I must tell my boss.
Before I  .

They will be waiting for me. They will have enough time to prepare it.
While they  .

Peggy is coming tonight. She will help you.
As soon as Peggy .

I'll do it as soon as 

I have to tidy the room before 

He is going to stay in our flat while 

I'll ring you up after 

You'll find some job when 

She won't sleep till 

I'll be with you while 

Eat your meal before 

Are they going to visit Rome while 

Will you help me as soon as 

Will you recognize him the moment 

Do you know when  ?

We'll get there. We'll send a message. (soon after) 

I would like to finish it. It will get dark. (before) 

We are going to have a rest. We'll be on holiday. (while) 

He will not regret it. She'll move away. (until) 

Can you water the flowers? We'll leave the house. (when)  ?

Get in touch with him. I'm going to write to him. (as soon as) 

Come to see me. You'll feel alone. (whenever) 

I will find the opener. I will open the bottle. (the moment) 

We will go to the shop. We will be walking the dog. (while) 

I'll have finished my lesson by noon. I'll come round. (after) 


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