
Showing posts from May 15, 2016


Use of the will-future 1 Questions without question words in the  will-future Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't) Will you lend him the book? Yes, No, No, I I I will. will not . wo n't . Will Jane arrive on time? Yes, No, No, she she she will. will not . wo n't . 2. Questions with question words in the  will-future Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer When will you send me the e-mail? I will send you the e-mail tonight. What will we need for the party? We will need cola, sandwiches and crisps. ► Use  will  every time regardless the subject. The verb is used in the  infinitive . When do we use the   will-future ? The  will-future  is one future tense. There are other future tenses, e.g.  going to-future ,  Present Progressive ,  Future Progressive/Continuous  and  Simple Present . We use the  will-future : 1. future actions happen without the speaker's intention (birthday,


The following information should help you understand the use of conjunctions in subordinating sentences when expressing the future tense. When, after, before, until, since, while, once, as  and  as soon as  are subordinating conjunctions which can be used to connect an action or an event to a point in time. action/event conjunction time She was in a bad car accident when she was young. We can’t play loud music after everyone has gone to bed. Brush your teeth before you go to bed! I’ll wait with you until the bus comes. I’ve been very busy since I started my new job. No one left the cinema while the movie was on. I’ll call you once I arrive. We always have an ice cream as soon as we get to the beach. I bumped into her as I came out of the bank. Many of these time conjunctions can be followed by  -ing  or  -ed  forms instead of subject + verb. See als