
Showing posts from 2018


Here you are some links to very useful memory techniques´web sites for you to take a look at. MEMORY TIPS REAL MEMORY IMPROVEMENT MNEMONICS MEMORY METHODS


In order to continue with relevant issues on IELTS TEST taking, I offer you some links to COLLOCATIONS. Follow them and do your homework. THEORY Download a COLLOCATION DICTIONARY. OVERVIEW TO COLLOCATIONS BUSINESS COLLOCATIONS EXCERCISES Check this sites out and improve your skills.


Association, Imagination and Location The three fundamental principles underlying the use of mnemonics are: Association Imagination Location Working together, these principles can be used to generate powerful mnemonic systems. This Mind Tools presentation will show illustrations of many memory techniques and examples of areas where their application will yield serious advantage. Hopefully once you have absorbed and applied these techniques you will understand how to design and apply these principles to your field to design your own powerful, sophisticated recall systems. These principles are explained below: Association Association is the method by which you link a thing to be remembered to a method of remembering it. Although we can and will suggest associations to you, your own associations are much better as they reflect the way in which your mind works. Things can be associated by: being placed on top of the associated object crashing or penetrating into each


If you are already late about what "NORMAS APA" are, just take a look to this link available in our school library website. This material is really important for every single written work you present on every subject. Check and good luck with your project.


Here you are the video we had pending from the prezi presentation about the brain. I'd like you to learn the song, so I offer the transcription of the lyrics. enjoy it and learn more about the brain. 0:00 [Robert Winston] It's amazing to consider that I'm holding in my hands 0:05 The place where someone once felt, thought, and loved 0:09 For centuries, scientists have been battling to understand 0:13 What this unappealing object is all about 0:21 [Vilayanur Ramachandran] Here is this mass of jelly you can hold in the palm of your hand 0:26 And it can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space 0:31 [Carl Sagan] The brain has evolved from the inside out 0:36 Its structure reflects all the stages through which it has passed 0:41 [Jill Bolte Taylor] Information in the form of energy streams in simultaneously 0:47